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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Winnipeg adds livestreamed video to all buses to boost security

The City of Winnipeg says its buses are now even safer for passengers and drivers thanks to live-streaming video feeds on all 607 vehicles that can be viewed from Winnipeg Transit’s control centre.
The city said the control centre is staffed 24/7, and supervisors can immediately tap into a live feed on any bus in an emergency and get the appropriate help.
It’s part of an ongoing initiative that began with installing modems in some city buses back in 2019 and continued into a pilot project that included livestreams on select buses in 2021.
Mayor Scott Gillingham called the move a “smart step forward” toward bus safety.
“It also complements other recent efforts like the launch of the Community Safety Team to patrol on buses and around transit stops, the installation of improved driver protection shields, and the modernization of the on-board communications system,” Gillingham said in a statement.
